Jack and the Beanstalk

Sent to the market to sell his old cow, Jack returns home with a measly handful of beans. He is in disgrace until . . . the beans become a beanstalk, the beanstalk leads to adventure, and Jack has a chance at fame and fortune. All he has to do is outwit a very hungry giant!

Jack and Milky White, the cow

Crabgrass Puppet Theatre’s re-imagining of “Jack and the Beanstalk” is performed on a two-level stage. On the “downstairs” level, Jack is a masked actor and interacts with life-sized puppets of his mother, the Funny Little Man (who trades Jack the beans for his cow), and, of course, the cow herself. In between, Jack appears as a shadow puppet, climbing the beanstalk.
This innovative and exciting production of "Jack and the Beanstalk" is a feast of visuals and sound, with a stunning stage, big and beautiful puppets, a rhyme-spouting giant, a marvelous growing beanstalk, and a delightful musical score.
Giant in window
    "Superb! Crabgrass is the best!"
  • . . . St. Thomas School, Hempstead NY

RECOMMENDED AUDIENCE: pre-K to 4th grade and family audiences
STAGE SIZE: Minimum 12' wide / 8' deep/ 8 1/2' ceiling height

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